This is the third of three stories this summer featuring the internship experiences of 信誉最好的网投十大平台 students. 阅读更多 在这里在这里.

Trinity students are making the most of the summer by completing a wide variety of internships that add new depth 和 direction to their academic pursuits.

下面, four Bantams from different majors talk about how their summer internships build on what they have learned in their Trinity courses 和 help to illuminate their career paths.

Alex和ra Berenice Barbosa Gonzalez ' 24 - PECO中央工程暑期实习生费城的一家艾克斯龙公司

Alex和ra Berenice Barbosa Gonzalez, 24岁
Alex和ra Berenice Barbosa Gonzalez, 24岁
专业: 工程; 物理
家乡: 墨西哥城,墨西哥

夏天的经验: 处理 艾莉森·J. 德雷伯, 是信誉最好的网投十大平台跨学科科学中心的主任, Barbosa Gonzalez is receiving academic credit while interning at an energy company this summer. One of her main tasks is to ensure job synchronization of different systems to support effective outage response. “I have enjoyed meeting 和 talking to people working in different departments at PECO, 从调控策略到并网工程,巴博萨·冈萨雷斯说. “This allowed me to learn about the utility business 和 get a better underst和ing of how the company works.”

外卖: “Learning about the transmission 和 distribution of electricity connects with the fundamental knowledge of circuits that I learned in my introductory physics 和 engineering courses at Trinity,巴博萨·冈萨雷斯说. “This experience allowed me to explore a completely new career field to me 和 helped me gain a better underst和ing of what I am passionate about, which will be helpful as I navigate my last year in college.”

Sab Clumeck ’24 – Mergers 和 Acquisitions Technology Summer Analyst at BMO Capital Markets in Chicago, Illinois

专业: 经济学; 数学
家乡: 比利时布鲁塞尔

夏天的经验: 同时通过与 夏米. 艾哈迈德, 经济学副教授, Clumeck has contributed to significant financial decisions while learning from seasoned professionals in the field. “Being part of such important transactions 和 acquisitions has been an incredible experience. The best part of my internship was the opportunity to work in a bank alongside a team that I absolutely love,”她说。. “My internship provides a practical application of the knowledge 和 skills I’ve acquired during my time at Trinity.”

外卖: The summer internship has helped Clumeck realize her passion for working in finance 和 has clarified her career aspirations. “My experience has been a pivotal moment in my educational journey, 塑造我的职业道路, 和 providing me with valuable life skills that will continue to benefit me in both my academic 和 professional pursuits,克伦克说. “It has not only provided me with valuable knowledge 和 skills in finance 和 M&A, but has also played a significant role in my personal growth. 通过这次经历, 我变得更自律了, 学会处理具有挑战性的任务, 和 honed my abilities to work effectively in a professional environment. 这种实践经验补充了我所受的教育, giving me valuable insights 和 preparing me for a successful career in the finance industry upon graduation.”

基督教埃斯皮诺萨 ’25 – Director/Director of Photography at 哈特福德 Public Access Television, Inc. (HPATV)在康涅狄格州哈特福德

主要: 电影研究
家乡: Escuintla、危地马拉

夏天的经验: 埃斯皮诺萨担任该脱口秀的导演, 更多的生活,” with duties related to all technical 和 creative aspects of its creation. “The opportunity to work in a professional TV broadcasting studio while using professional equipment provides me valuable knowledge 和 experience,他说. “作为信誉最好的网投十大平台电影制作专业的学生, it is important to constantly keep doing film projects outside of the classroom. 我的顾问总是告诉我,我得到的曝光越多, 我就会成为一个更完整的电影制作人.埃斯皮诺萨通过与 狮子座Schuchert, associate director of Trinity’s Center for Academic 和 Experiential Advising.

外卖: “I accepted this opportunity because the producer 和 I have similar goals to promote Latin American empowerment,埃斯皮诺萨说. He added that he always strives to do his best 和 to show his commitment to a project, 为了被记住和认可. “这是新机会的来源. A normal conversation with someone can lead you to an offer in becoming part of someone’s next big project,他说. “The network I have developed during these last months demonstrates to me how much I love the entertainment industry. 我的目标是有一天全职参与其中.”

艾玛Hersom ’24 – Legal Intern at the District of Columbia Superior Court’s Family Court Self-Help Center in Washington, D.C.

专业: 政治科学; 人权
家乡: 萨顿,马萨诸塞州

夏天的经验: Hersom has seen how human rights issues shape an individual’s legal challenges 和 the barriers to working through them, 尤其是在代表自己的时候. “我在D.C. courts this summer by far has been the opportunity to help increase access to justice for people on a daily basis,”她说。. “Being able to help them better underst和 the legal process 和 assist them with filling out paperwork has been incredibly rewarding 和 humbling. 它教会了我很多关于耐心的东西, 错综复杂的法律, 和 just how far compassion can go in making someone feel heard when grappling with a legal system that often makes them feel disregarded.”

外卖: “我的实习让我看到了我们可以扮演的角色, 成为未来的律师和法律专业人士, in prioritizing equitable access to justice for every socio-economic background, 比赛, 性取向/性别认同, 语言, 教育程度和能力水平,”她说。, who intends to go to law school after Trinity 和 work in public interest law. “Beyond getting the unique opportunity to work directly with customers 和 their diverse family legal matters on a daily basis, 我也有机会去观察, 学习, 并与高等法院的法官联系, 经验丰富的律师, 法律专业人士, which have all strengthened my decision to pursue a career in the legal realm.”

For more information about how Trinity supports students with their internships, 校园工作, 毕业后就业, 还有研究生院, 参观 职业生涯 & 生活设计中心.